Daydream Innovation: Loom
How Might We Bring Innovation to Loom?
“Daydream Innovation” is a series of thought experiments aimed at bringing innovation to a chosen topic by applying one of the breakbias tools. This time, I am using Loom as a subject to bring some new ideas.
Loom is an online video capture and sharing service that allows users to easily record their screen, themselves, and uploaded video that can be shared instantly with anyone. I love this product, and it has revolutionized the way I communicate with my clients and team, saving a lot of time.
Introducing the Times Tool
The Times tool is one of the breakbias tools that allows you to multiply or duplicate chosen elements of the subject and arrange them in terms of space or time to create new values.
Step by step Thought Experiment
Step 1: List the major elements of the subject
The first step is to list the fundamental elements/components of the subject. If you already know about the subject, then you don’t need to do further research and can start listing up the elements.
Loom has the following elements that make up their service:
screen area to record
your voice
computer sound
uploaded video
video editing tool
a video URL
linked video
video archives
reply with text
reply with video
add password
Okay, let’s stop here. I can keep going to list more elements, but this is enough to start.
Step 2: Pick one element from Step 1 and do x2, x10, etc.
So basically, you randomly pick one element and multiply it with random thoughts. I suggest randomly picking numbers to multiply instead of carefully choosing. By increasing the fundamental element of the subject, you have already broken the bias!!
So, I chose “screen area to record”. I will do x2. This means that I just duplicated the screen areas. Now, you have two areas to record.
Step 3: Think about the values from the perspectives of users and businesses
Benefits for Users:
Not only can you record one screen area, but you can also record additional screens. So, maybe, users would benefit from recording two monitors, or two browser windows in separate video tracks. Users can also have the freedom of using two videos when they are editing.
Benefits for Loom as a business:
This added feature may give a unique advantage, but there is more engineering work necessary to make this happen.
Step 4: Repeat the previous steps, keep generating ideas, and brush ideas into WHATIF concepts
What if users could record multiple sections on their desktop and hit record? Then they can arrange the layout freely while editing.
Users can record their slides and a web page or record their iPad screen. They can then edit later however they like. What if users can change the layout during the video? That’s already a new experience.
Okay, let’s try one more time.
Going back to Step 2 then, 3 and 4.
This time, I decided to multiply "linked video". Meaning Loom shares a link and then a video. I am duplicating the video itself.
What if:
What if users can generate a video link with multiple videos that can be duplicated and edited even after sharing, like Google Docs?
What if a feature allowed A/B testing with two videos with the same link that the system automatically chooses which to show viewers? This way, users can share only one video.
Wrap up
Okay, I just came up with these ideas in under 15 minutes. With the help of the tools in the breakbias operating system, anyone can develop unique ideas that can lead to innovation.
For this thought experiment, I applied the ‘Times’ tool from breakbias OS.
You might have various responses to the idea itself, but at least I broke one bias of Loom with this tool. With the breakbias OS tools, you can continue to break other biases and come up with new ideas.
That’s a wrap! It’s just a daydream.
Keep breaking biases!
Whenever you’re ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:
If you’re looking for innovative ideas for your products, services, and businesses, I’d recommend hosting innovation workshops with me.
If you are interested in training for a systematic innovation thinking, I’d recommend getting trained with the BreakBias Master Course.