Our Signature Offering

BreakBias Creative Gym

The BreakBias Creative Gym is the ultimate solution for individuals, teams, and organizations looking to unleash their creative potential and break free from biases. With our innovative set of thinking tools, you can generate game-changing ideas and turn them into reality.

Our systematic approach to innovation ideation ensures that everyone, regardless of their background or experience, can become a creative thinker. Don’t settle for mediocrity - experience the BB Creative Gym and unlock your true potential today!

The BreakBias Tools

There are currently eight BreakBias tools that are easy to learn and apply on their own. These tools are designed to help individuals break down biases and approach problems from a fresh perspective.

The eight tools are:

There are two ways you can participate in the BreakBias training workshops.

Cohort Based Learning

Currently offering on Maven.com

Join the Cohort-Based Course, where you receive the live sessions online. You will learn the break bias tools and practice with participants.

If interested, access the Maven page and submit your email for the waitlist.

Custom Remote Training

I offer tailored training sessions specifically for your team and organization. I invite you to get in touch with me so we can work together to develop a truly impactful and customized training program for your staff and team members.

In-Person Training

I also do live training sessions that can last from one day to several, tailored for your organization. We mix lectures with hands-on activities, using slides for the talk part and post-its and worksheets for the interactive bits. We can adjust the setup to fit what you need.